The movie Tomie: Replay (2000) is a Japanese horror film directed by Fujirō Mitsuishi. The film follows Yumi, the daughter of a hospital director, who investigates the disappearance of her father and the strange occurrences that have taken place since the arrival of a mysterious girl named Tomie. Yumi discovers that Tomie is a supernatural being who can regenerate herself from any part of her body, and that her father has been experimenting on her.
- Mai Hosho as Tomie
- Sayaka Yamaguchi as Yumi
- Yôsuke Kubozuka as Fumihito
- Ken’ichi Endô as Dr. Tachibana
- Makoto Togashi as Tomie’s mother
- The movie Tomie: Replay (2000) is a Japanese horror film.
- The film features a supernatural being named Tomie who can regenerate herself from any part of her body.