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chavant vs monster clay

Chavant vs Monster Clay: Which is Best For You?

What is Monster Clay?

Monster clay is an oil and wax-based blend sculpting compound. It is sulfur-free and quite elastic; when warm it has high plasticity and elasticity almost like soft taffy. On the other hand, Monster clay is firm at room temperature while having the ability to be reused and remelted indefinitely.

monster clay

What is Chavant Clay?

Chavant clay is also an oil and wax-based blend clay similar to Monster clay. It doesn’t dry out or shrink, making it similarly ideal for sculpting a variety of things such as prosthetics and many SFX projects.

chavant clay

Chavant vs Monster Clay

When thinking about using Chavant vs Monster clay, you can think about a number of key similarities and differences.


  • Both are wax-based modeling clays that are elastic and can be molded with both hands and tools.
  • Both come in different types of softness: Soft, Medium, and Hard.
  • They both are resuable, and can be heated and reheated to soften and reuse for multiple projects


  • Chavant is a stickier substance. This lends itself to adding layers on top of layers, which is how some prefer to build their sculpt. And because it is more sticky, using some tools might be a little more difficult.
  • Monster clay is less sticky. This lends itself to projects where you have more than enough clay and you are shaving off material, as well as carving crisp curvatures and smooth finishes.
  • Both can be melted to liquid, but in certain circumstances Monster clay is going to flow a bit more, be a little smoother in its flow.

Where to Buy

Where to buy Monster and Chavant clay? Here are some links.

Monster Clay

Buy Soft Monster Clay Buy Medium Monster Clay Buy Hard Monster Clay

Chavant Clay

Buy Soft Chavant Clay Buy Chavant Monster Clay Buy Chavant Monster Clay

Photo by ArtHouse Studio from Pexels

Last Updated on February 17, 2022.

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