Hospitals and Horror: The Health Care System Demonstrated in Horror Movies
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Medical quackery, mad doctors, and unorthodox lab experiments are the stuff science fiction nightmares and hospital horror movies are made of. The medical horror trope is rich with enough sub-genres to petrify patients for decades. With an endless supply of...
The Best Plus Size Gothic Dresses: The Styles and Where to Buy
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Finding the right dress can be difficult, and when your style lends itself to the dark and macabre, well that can make things even harder. Gothic clothing is often associated with the macabre or creepy side of life, sure, but...
The Surrealist Horrors of Jan Svankmajer, Master of Puppets
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As a card-carrying surrealist with an introverted philosophy, Jan Svankmajer is one of the most influential and obscure multimedia animators of Central Europe. The Czech director’s techniques in puppetry and stop-motion animation tap into the souls of everyday objects, characterized...
The Fine Art of Low-Budget Horror Movies
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What is common between Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson? Both are critically and commercially acclaimed directors who have held the reins of very large franchises, the Spider-Man franchise in the case of Raimi and the Tolkien franchise in the case...