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Post has published by Cody Meirick
Pennywise explained

Pennywise Explained: His Origin, History, Powers, And More

Post has published by Benjamin Roussey
A lot of people suffer from coulrophobia – a fear of clowns. Imagine the shock and crippling horror when a horror movie monster comes in the form of a sinister, unsettling clown with a singsong voice and a penchant for...
Hell Toupee

Treehouse Tropes: Mind Control and Evil Hair in “Hell Toupee”

Post has published by Ben Mangelsdorf
“Treehouse of Horror” loves to introduce unexpected elements into The Simpsons. The Halloween-themed series of episodes always takes the most familiar aspects of the cartoon and reworks them. In the case of “Treehouse of Horror IX” and its first segment,...
plus size goth clothing for women

Plus Size Goth Clothing: Where to Find the Best Outfits, Brands, and Stores

Post has published by Cody Meirick
For people who wear goth clothing, it's practically a lifestyle. Their style is part of their life. For many, finding plus size goth clothing, similar to any other type of clothing, can be frustrating and cumbersome. Not everyone wears a...
Last House on the Left

Coming of Age With Last House on the Left and VHS Bootlegs

Post has published by Krystle Ratticus
Wes Craven’s debut has gone down in infamy as one of the most gruesome films in the horror genre. Last House on The Left pre-dated the modern slasher and set a standard in grindhouse cinema. Intended to be a commentary...
goth clothing, goth brands, and goth stores online

The Best Goth Clothing Stores, Brands, and Outfit Ideas for 2023

Post has published by Staff
Goth clothing is one of the most popular and resilient fashion trends of the last 50 years. It includes some of the most celebrated goth brands, stores, and outfits available in the world. Traditionally the goth aesthetic is credited to...
Diamanda Galas interview

The Stylish Horror of Diamanda Galás in Video and Interviews

Post has published by Krystle Ratticus
One of the most influential and controversial performers of our time, Diamanda Galás has remained an underground force to be reckoned with. With a vocal range listed from three-and-a-half octaves to five, Galás summons the hidden truths of the marginalized....
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