A Great List of Leather Punk Boots That You Can Buy Right Now
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Punk boots are a great look for a lot of people, and going leather with that look... it rocks. Punk fashion has been around for a long time, and it's not going anywhere. Starting with a nice pair of leather...
The Wolf House Explained: A Hallucinatory Dive into Chile’s Dark Past
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Despite its reputation among outsiders for tired tropes and repeated story lines, horror is constantly reinventing itself. For every new iteration of Scream or The Conjuring, there’s a movie released into the underground that threatens to completely upend everything we...
Tales from the Crypt’s People Who Live in Brass Hearses Is a Hoot
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Ice cream salesmen can be creepy. We covered that some in our examination of the cult classic Ice Cream Man. It's a man going around offering treats to neighborhood children... the horror kind of writes itself. So it isn't that...
Fresh Explained: Tender is the Flesh as a Delicacy
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We all know I loved Augustina Bazzterrica’s Tender is the Flesh. It was brutal, yes, but OH. MY. GOD. was that a dystopian horror done correctly. Like, unreal. And that last page? Gurl. You will DIE if you haven’t read...