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Post has published by Cody Meirick
the scream painting by munch

The Scream – All About Munch’s Horror Painting Masterpiece

Post has published by Benjamin Roussey
In the realm of art, where the curious enthusiast might encounter oodles of horror from Bosch to Warhol, one enduring image has become more relatable than any other, thanks to popular culture and the sheer unnerving nature of the image....
pin movie

Anatomy of a Monster: History of the Movie Pin

Post has published by Krystle Ratticus
In 1981 horror novelist Andrew Neiderman published the book Pin. The book is described as a waspy gothic drama with incestuous possibilities, dark themes that resonated with fans of fellow horror novelist V.C. Andrews. It's only fitting that Neiderman became...
haunted house scary stories to tell in the dark

Origins of The Haunted House and THAT Picture from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Post has published by Cody Meirick
I made a documentary about Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. (Now available to watch.) The three books consisted of over 80 stories of folklore and urban legends. It was impossible to appropriately address each and every story in...
agustina bazterrica tender is the flesh

Agustina Bazterrica’s Tender is the Flesh Asks, Would You Eat Human Meat?

Post has published by Conner McAleese
The flesh is sinful. It is dirty. It needs to be sanitised of germs and disease. It needs to be purified of improper urges. It is a meat prison for our immortal souls that we must deny in order to...
creepypasta stories

Creepypasta: A Guide to Horror Stories in the Digital Age

Post has published by Ben Mangelsdorf
Horror is, in a way, a historical artifact. Our scary stories reflect what we are frightened of and offer deep insights into certain time periods. The Satanic panic era is an excellent example of this, but you can always look...
the twilight zone black leather jackets

The Twilight Zone’s “Black Leather Jackets” Provides Old Fashion Alien Horror

Post has published by Krystle Ratticus
Creator of The Twilight Zone, Rod Serling, spent most of his career fighting censors... struggling to maintain creative control while making comics and pulp novels mainstream. Having written 92 of the 156 scripts for The Twilight Zone, Rod Serling also...
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