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Post has published by Cody Meirick
the simpsons the raven

Treehouse Tropes: The Simpsons’ The Raven Takes on Poe’s Classic

Post has published by Ben Mangelsdorf
If there’s one thing that all fans of The Simpsons can agree on, it’s that the early episodes of the Treehouse of Horror series are utterly timeless. The cartoon’s takes on horror classics are both comedic and analytical. The episodes...
ju-on vs the grudge

Investigating The American Remake—Ju-On vs The Grudge

Post has published by Benjamin Roussey
When it comes to horror cinema the Japanese film industry, as horror fanatics would decisively vouch for, has it down. Dropping one chilling hit after another for years on end, these films have even the toughest of hearts shaking like...
stephen gammell interview

A Glimpse of Stephen Gammell: From Mudkin to the Few Interviews He Has Given

Post has published by Cody Meirick
Stephen Gammell is an elusive figure. No one knows that more than me. Long story short, he has declined to be interviewed or involved with anything Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark-related for over 30 years. He doesn't do...
hellraiser puzzle box

The Hellraiser Puzzle Box: History and Influence of the Iconic Artifact

Post has published by Krystle Ratticus
Shivering with sweat in a dark room, a man kneels on bare floorboards. Illuminated by candles, he works feverishly to solve the puzzle box in his hands. An ornate construction, made up of sliding panels and mysterious chambers. The air...
the babysitter story, janett christman

The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs and the Case of Janett Christman

Post has published by Cody Meirick
I made a documentary about Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. (Now available to watch.) The three books consisted of over 80 stories of folklore and urban legends. It was impossible to appropriately address each and every story in...
the shining color palette

An Elevator Full of Red: A Look at The Shining’s Color Palette

Post has published by Ben Mangelsdorf
Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining was my first ever horror movie. My parents put it on the TV when I was only about ten, and I sat and watched it, utterly transfixed. Interestingly enough, I wasn’t scared. Sure, it’s a freaky...
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