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Sara Sarita game

Sara Sarita: The Game, Rules, and Haunting Legend Behind It

The Sara Sarita game is a traditional Mexican game that involves asking questions and receiving answers through the flipping of coins. It is played by two people who sit facing each other on the ground, and the goal is to receive permission to enter the game, ask yes or no questions, and then receive permission to leave the game. The game is named after the Mexican nursery rhyme “Sara Sarita,” and it is often played by children in Mexico and other parts of Latin America. Here we go over how to play Sara Sarita, the rules, instructions, and the story behind the game.

It is commonly used as a sleepover game or ritual game similar to such games as Baby Blue Challenge, the Cat Scratch Game, the Sandman Game, and others.

Sara Sarita Rules and Instructions

So how do you play the Sara Sarita challenge, including all the rules and instructions? Here we go with all you need to know.


To play the Sara Sarita game or challenge, you need two people participating. Others can be in the room watching.

You need two coins, one for each player. The coins must each be of the same denomination.

sara sarita game instructions, rules, legend


Sit facing each other on the ground. Together, say “Sara Sarita, may I enter your game?” in unison.

Toss your coins gently over your shoulders so that they land behind you.

  • If both coins are heads up, you have permission to proceed to The Conversation.
  • If both coins are tails up, do not proceed. You may try again, but if both coins keep landing tails up, it is not recommended to persist in trying. Apologize and leave the room. You can try again another day.
  • If one coin is heads up and one coin is tails up, proceed with caution. It is recommended that both of you ask again to enter the game until you receive a clear answer.


In The Conversation, only ask yes or no questions and address “Sara Sarita” at the beginning of each one. Take turns asking questions, and after each question, both toss the coins over their shoulders.

  • If both coins are heads up, the answer to the question is “Yes.”
  • If both coins are tails up, the answer to the question is “No.”
  • If one coin is heads up and one coin is tails up, the answer to the question is “Maybe.”

When you finish asking questions, proceed to The Farewell.


To exit the game, say “Sara Sarita, may I leave your game?” together.

  • If both coins are heads up, you have permission to leave the game.
  • If both coins are tails up or one coin is heads up and one coin is tails up, you do not have permission to leave the game. Ask again for permission.

Do not exit the game until you receive permission to do so. Keep the coins somewhere safe, and it is not advisable to spend them. Follow the Sara Sarita rules and instructions just as described.

What is the Legend of Sara Sarita

The legend of Sara Sarita is a haunting story that originates in Mexico and has become a popular urban legend throughout Latin America. It tells the tale of a young woman named Sara who died tragically during childbirth and whose ghost is said to haunt those who call her name. It isn’t all just about the Sara Sarita game challenge, rules, and instructions, but rather the rich backstory that makes playing it all that much intriguing.

According to the legend, Sara was a beautiful and kind-hearted woman who lived in a small Mexican village. She fell in love with a man named Juan, and they soon married and started a family. However, during her second pregnancy, complications arose, and Sara died while giving birth to her child.

The tragedy of Sara’s death left Juan devastated, and he was unable to cope with his loss. He turned to drinking and eventually became an alcoholic, neglecting his children and falling into a deep depression.

As time passed, rumors began to circulate throughout the village that Sara’s ghost had returned, and she was seeking revenge against those who had wronged her. It was said that if you called out to her three times, she would appear and haunt you, tormenting you until you were driven to madness.

Despite the warnings, some people in the village were curious and began to call out Sara’s name. At first, nothing happened, but soon strange occurrences began to take place. People reported seeing a ghostly figure of a woman, dressed in a white wedding dress, wandering through the village at night. Others claimed to hear the sound of a baby crying, even though there were no infants in the area.

As more and more people called out to Sara, the hauntings became more intense. Some claimed to have been physically attacked by the ghost, while others reported being followed and tormented wherever they went.

The legend of Sara Sarita soon spread throughout Mexico and Latin America, and her story became a cautionary tale against calling out to ghosts and spirits. It was said that if you spoke her name, she would come for you, and there was no escaping her wrath.

Over time, the legend of Sara Sarita has taken on various forms and adaptations, with the Sara Sarita game being an avenue for the legend to spread, with different versions of the story emphasizing different elements of the legend.

Some versions of the story claim that Sara was a witch who was executed for her crimes, while others suggest that her husband was responsible for her death and was being haunted by her ghost.

Despite the variations in the story, the legend of Sara Sarita continues to be a popular urban legend in Latin America. While the origins of the legend are unclear, it is clear that Sara Sarita has captured the imagination of people throughout the region, and her story continues to be told and retold to this day.

Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay

Last Updated on April 9, 2023.


[…] is one of the more “intense” versions of various ritual games similar to such games as Sara Sarita, the Elevator Game, and […]
November 12, 2023
I will not go to sleep after reading this at 9:24 P.M

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