The movie Blood Salvage (1990) revolves around the Pruitt family, a group of self-taught doctors who run a spare-parts clinic in the country. Led by the patriarch, Jake Pruitt, the family is involved in a series of gruesome and unethical medical experiments. They kidnap unsuspecting victims off the highway and use them as a source of spare parts for their clinic[3].
One day, a young woman named April and her family are traveling in a motorhome on their way to a nearby town to attend a pageant. They become the latest targets of the Pruitt family’s twisted experiments[2]. As the family tries to escape, they are confronted by the sadistic and deranged members of the Pruitt clan, leading to a bloody and violent showdown.
- Danny Nelson as Jake Pruitt
- Lori Birdsong as April
- Christian Hesler as Billy
- Lesa Lee as June
- Ray Walston as Watty Pruitt
- John Saxon as Sheriff
- Evander Holyfield as Himself
- The film was shot on location in Georgia, giving it an authentic Southern Gothic feel.
- Blood Salvage (1990) was the directorial debut of Tucker Johnston, who went on to direct several other horror films.
- The movie features a cameo appearance by professional boxer Evander Holyfield, who plays himself in a brief scene.
- IMDb – IMDb provides user reviews and ratings for Blood Salvage (1990).
- Rotten Tomatoes – Rotten Tomatoes offers a collection of reviews and ratings from critics and audiences.