The movie Cataclysm (1980) is a thriller directed by Phillip Marshak. The story follows police detective Mitchell as he investigates the death of a victim of a Nazi concentration camp. During his investigation, Mitchell discovers a charismatic playboy who possesses strange powers over women.
As Mitchell delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of deceit, manipulation, and dark secrets. The playboy’s powers over women become increasingly evident, leading to a series of shocking and violent events. The movie Cataclysm (1980) explores themes of power, manipulation, and the consequences of past atrocities.
As the plot unfolds, Mitchell finds himself entangled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the playboy
- Cameron Mitchell as Detective Mitchell
- Marc Lawrence as The Playboy
- Faith Clift as Laura
- Richard Moll as The Bouncer
– The movie Cataclysm (1980) is a thriller directed by Phillip Marshak[1].
– The film explores themes of power, manipulation, and the consequences of past atrocities[1].
– Cataclysm (1980) is also known as “The Nightmare Never Ends”[2].