The movie Junk (2000) is a Japanese horror film directed by Atsushi Muroga. The film follows a group of criminals who break into a research facility to steal a valuable substance. However, they accidentally release a virus that turns the scientists and staff into flesh-eating zombies. The movie Junk (2000) is a gory and violent film that features classic slow-moving zombies reminiscent of George Romero’s films.
- Noboru Iguchi as Sabu
- Yûichi Satô as Tadashi
- Yûji Kishimoto as Dr. Shimada
- Yuko Takayama as Junko
- The movie Junk (2000) was directed by Atsushi Muroga.
- The film features classic slow-moving zombies reminiscent of George Romero’s films.
- The film pays homage to the 80s Euro-gore excesses.