The movie Night Killer (1990), also known as Non aprite quella porta 3, is an Italian slasher film directed by Claudio Fragasso. The film follows the story of Melanie Beck, a woman who is attacked by a razor-clawed man in a rubber mask and left severely traumatized. The killer continues to find victims, and Melanie is terrorized while the police work with a psychiatrist to bring him to justice and stop the crime wave.
Night Killer was shot in the United States. After Fragasso finished the film, the producers hired Bruno Mattei to shoot additional scenes of graphic gore before the film’s release in Italy[5]. The film is not part of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series and bears little content from the previously released films[5].
The movie Night Killer (1990) is a combination of giallo and more straightforward slasher films[5]. The film has a runtime of 85 minutes and is rated R.
- Tara Buckman as Melanie Beck
- Peter Hooten as Axel
- Richard Foster as Sherman
- Mel Davis as Clark
- Night Killer was directed by Claudio Fragasso[1][2][3][5].
- The film was also marketed as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 for reasons not clear to anyone[1][2].
- The film was shot in the United States[5].
- The producers hired Bruno Mattei to shoot additional scenes of graphic gore before the film’s release in Italy[5].