Terror in the Aisles (1984)


The movie Terror in the Aisles (1984) is a horror documentary that examines the appeal of scary movies through clips and interviews.

Hosted by Donald Pleasence and Nancy Allen, Terror in the Aisles features segments highlighting major horror genres like slasher movies, psychological thrillers, and the supernatural. They analyze elements like suspense, shocks, and special effects.

The movie Terror in the Aisles (1984) utilizes clips from acclaimed horror films to illustrate tropes and stylistic techniques. It intersperses insightful commentary from directors like John Carpenter and Wes Craven discussing generating fear.

From classic monster movies to recent graphic slashers, the documentary evaluates how horror cinema has evolved to terrify audiences. It asks provocative questions about why people willingly subject themselves to scary films.

As an early retrospective, the movie Terror in the Aisles (1984) offered an influential academic overview celebrating and examining horror’s powerful appeal.


  • Donald Pleasence as Himself – Host
  • Nancy Allen as Herself – Host


The director Andrew J. Kuehn also made the video game movie Joysticks.

It features the famous shower scene from Psycho (1960).

The documentary is over 80 minutes long.


New York Times Review

Slant Magazine Review


[1] Wikipedia

[2] IMDb

[3] Rotten Tomatoes

Last updated byAnonymous on November 1, 2023