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The Scariest Places in The World – The Ultimate List

Scattered all over the world, there are places that are known for being scary, intimidating, and filled with a sense of foreboding and we are not talking about Baltimore, Seattle, or Chicago. Born out of urban legends, real-life incidents or tragedies, or sometimes by plain coincidence, these scary places have always fascinated fans of horror and become much-discussed topics. In fact, many horrors aficionados plan and visit these places as well.

Let us take a look at some of the scariest places in the world and the sources behind their dread.

Chateau de Brissac, France

Horror buffs will no doubt be aware of the “The Green Lady”, one of the most famous ghosts in the world. Chateau de Brissac, a tall, seven-floor castle in France is her home. The fascinating origin story of the ghost dates back to the time of King Charles VII, who had an illegitimate daughter named Charlotte. Charlotte, according to legend, had an extra-marital affair and was killed by her enraged husband.

Chateau de Brissac, France and the scariest places in the world
Chateau de Brissac, France

Since she was wearing a green dress when she was killed, her ghost came to be known as “The Green Lady”. She currently makes her home in the spacious Chateau where, according to eyewitness accounts and local reports, she can sometimes be seen roaming around in the tower room of the chapel in the early morning hours. Many have also reported hearing moaning sounds from the same area, sounds of Charlotte reliving her tragedy.

The Chateau is a hit with travelers and horror fans.

Obvodny Canal, Russia

This seemingly innocuous canal, running a stretch of five miles in the quiet, urban setting of St. Petersburg, Russia, also has a more sinister moniker – Suicide Canal. The canal has been shrouded in mystery since its building started in the 18th century. Right from the outset, construction workers tasked to the project complained of severe headaches and sudden bouts of violence, completely unexplained.

Obvodny Canal, Russia, one of the scariest places in the world
Obvodny Canal, Russia

However, the canal is most famous for the many suicides it has seen over the years. While most attempted suicides have been successful, those who have tried and failed unanimously report strange experiences. Many insisted that they had no idea what made them attempt to kill themselves in the first place. Many claimed that some unexplainable force had compelled them to jump in. Some others also claimed that they saw the disembodied apparition of women in a white dress just below the surface of the water beckoning them in.

These accounts definitely cement this apparently harmless man-made canal in Russia into our list of the scariest places in the world.

Valley of the Kings, Egypt

This ancient burial ground for pharaohs along the Nile River near Luxor is famous for the tomb of Tutankhamun. And it is often considered the scariest place in Egypt at least.

scariest places on earth egypt 2
Valley of the Kings, Egypt

Lord Carnarvon, who funded the excavation, died shortly after the discovery, fueling rumors of a “pharaoh’s curse.” Visitors sometimes report sightings of a ghostly pharaoh riding a chariot.

Banff Springs Hotel, Canada

Accidents, murders, and several other tragedies have occurred at the Banff Springs Hotel over many centuries. Many of the people affected by these incidents are now reported to show up regularly in the hotel as ghosts or apparitions. This is one of the most haunted buildings you can find in Canada.

Banff Springs Hotel, Canada
Banff Springs Hotel, Canada

Curiosities in the Banff Springs Hotel include the ghosts of a family who were reportedly murdered in the hotel in room 873. While the room has been permanently closed with bricks and concrete, the ghosts can still be seen sometimes, roaming the corridors. A bride whose dress caught apparently fell to her death on a staircase in the hotel, and her ghost has also been seen from time to time.

One of the most chilling specters of the Banff Hotel is Sam Macauley, a former bellman who refuses to leave the service of the hotel in spite of his death many years ago. The apparition of Sam, dressed immaculately in his uniform from the 60s, apparently still works at the hotel and quietly shows guests to their rooms, disappearing when they attempt any kind of conversation.

A hotel with an active ghost bellman is as good as it gets when it comes to the scariest places in the world.


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#Foreign Locations are Scary

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More of the Scariest Places in The World

There are many other scary places in the world, but these certainly stand out with their incredible histories and the palpable experiences from visitors. Here is a list of other places that could be considered runner ups or solid alternatives for the list.

Devil’s Pool, Australia

Isla de las Muñecas, Mexico (Island of the Dolls)

Karoo National Park, South Africa

Davelis Cave, Greece

Monte Cristo Homestead, Australia

Last Updated on December 10, 2023.

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