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Synopsis The movie Believe (2000) is a horror film directed by Robert Tinnell. The film follows a teenage prankster who is sent to live with his grandfather on an estate. He discovers a ghostly ...
Synopsis The movie Another Heaven (2000) is a Japanese horror film directed by Joji Iida. The film follows a detective who is investigating a series of murders that seem to be connected to a ...
Synopsis The movie Boltneck (2000) is a horror-comedy film directed by Mitch Marcus and John Blush. The film follows a high school student named Adam who receives a serial killer's brain in a ...
Synopsis The movie Tomie: Replay (2000) is a Japanese horror film directed by Fujirō Mitsuishi. The film follows Yumi, the daughter of a hospital director, who investigates the disappearance of her ...
Synopsis The movie Island of the Dead (2000) is a horror film directed by Tim Southam. The film follows a group of people who are stranded on a deserted island and struggle to survive against a swarm ...
Synopsis The movie Nightmare (2000), also known as Gawi, is a South Korean horror film directed by Ahn Byeong-ki. The film follows Hye-jin, a psychology student, who is visited by her old friend ...
Synopsis The movie The Art of Dying (2000) is a Spanish horror film directed by Álvaro Fernández Armero. The film follows a group of friends who are being pressured for their knowledge of the w ...
Synopsis The movie Sleepwalker (2000) is a Swedish horror-thriller film directed by Johannes Runeborg and written by Johan Brännström. The film follows Ulrik Hansson, a 45-year-old Swedish architect w ...
Synopsis The movie Junk (2000) is a Japanese horror film directed by Atsushi Muroga. The film follows a group of criminals who break into a research facility to steal a valuable substance. However, ...
Synopsis The movie Flashback (2000) is a German slasher film directed by Michael Karen. The film follows a group of friends who reunite ten years after their high school graduation. They decide to ...